luni, 1 aprilie 2013

First day of April

1 April

Fools Day originated in England. It evolved and grew in popularity very quickly because gimmicks were a fun way

Day of Fools has a long history. One of the hypotheses on the origin of the 1st of April is linked to Noah, who apparently sent his dove the wrong way to look dry after water began su withdraw land on April 1.
Another option is related to the crucifixion of Jesus Christ, who is said after being sentenced to death, was sent from Annas to Caiaphas, and then to Pilate, from Pilate to Herod and then vice versa, crucifixion taking place in 1 April
April 1 instead of January 1. After changing the Gregorian calendar in 1582, when Charles IX, the initial problems people had become accustomed to celebrating the new year on January 1. Those who celebrated the New Year on April 1 were called "April fools". As time passes, sent greetings for the New Year on April 1 began to be considered pranks, often accompanied by humorous gifts.
Regardless of where you shoot, April 1 Fools Day is recognized as the most countries. Marked first in Europe, emigrated overseas Fools Day and then across the globe.

The one hypothesis, supported by the majority, said that the origin of the day 1 April is closely related to changing the Julian calendar with the Gregorian. In the old calendar, New Year's Day was celebrated on

 In France, where Fools Day was marked for the first time in the sixteenth century, who falls victim of tricks is called "Poisson d'Avril" (April fish). It should traditionally wear all day paper attached with a pin on the back. The paper should be cut or shaped or fish or take a fish drawing. However because in April, according to astrology, the sun leaves the zodiac sign of "over".
 Fools Day is marked for two days in England: the trick is called "Noddy" and must wear a tail attached to trousers or skirt. In Scotland it is called "qowk April" or "April cuckoo" (cuckoo in April) because this is the first bird that heralds the coming of spring. Importance which is regarded Fools Day in the UK is proven TV, which often have confused people.
For example, several years ago, national television tansmis a documentary about a firm specializing in the cultivation of spaghetti. Images shown picking spaghetti from trees farmers spaghetti!

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