miercuri, 27 februarie 2013

Arabic lentil soup

Arabic lentil soup
one cup yellow lentils,
a little butter or oil olive,
one onion,
one tomato,
a little cumin,
chili flakes if you liked,
for cups ciken stock,
juice of one lemon,

First heat oil in a saucepan and saute onion and pepper over medium heat for 4/8 minute.Add remaining ingredientes,boil four around half an hour  or until the lentils are ready cooked.
When lentils cooked, run the soup in a blender until soup , season with salt,pepper, chili.
Garnish whit parsley green .Serve whit arabic bread gently warmed in the oven.Put a little lemon before you start to eat.
Worth a try least once becouse is a simple and tasty.
Bon appetit.

marți, 26 februarie 2013


Arabic cake namoura

This is traditional Arabic Semolina Cake.
Namoura is a one of the more cake-like Arabic desserts. It is made with semolina flour. The cake is then soaked in sugar syrup and accented with almonds.


  1. 3 cups semolina
  2. 3/4 cup unsweetened butter, melted
  3. 3/4 cup sugar
  4. 1 1/2 teaspoons baking soda
  5. 1 cup plain yogurt
  6. 1/2 cup whole blanched almonds (to garnish) or 1/2 cup ground pistachio nut (to garnish)


  1. 4 cups sugar
  2. 3 cups water
  3. 1/2 small lemon, juice of (or equivalent citric acid)
Preparation :
Mix the semolina, the sugar and the butter in a large bowl. Use your hands to corporate the butter with the other ingredients until mixed well.Mix the yogurt and the baking soda in a separate bowl.Wait a few minutes until the yogurt doubles in size.When the yogurt has doubled (or almost)pour the yogurt mix on top of the semolina mix.After you combined the two mixes, press the mix down on a small jellyroll pan or a 9x13 pyrex baking dish.Cut a diamond or square design in the cake witha butter knife.If using almond place one in each piece.Bake at 400 degrees for 30min to 45 mins until its a bronze brown color.Pour cold syrup on top while its hot so it can absorb all through.If using ground pistashios sprinkle a little on top of each square.
Mix all the ingredients for the syrup and place in saucepan on high until it boils. If using citric acid use only the the tip of a teaspoon.
Then reduce the heat to medium for 45 min to 1 hour until it coats a metal spoon.

                          Enjoy with pleasure.

luni, 25 februarie 2013

Great images


"One word frees us of all the weight and pain of life:that word is love" Sophocles

"Waterfall. How grand can sometimes fall!" Valeriu Butulescu

  "Perfume is the story of a flower." Emil Cioran

"Flatter me, and I may not believe you. Criticize me, and I may not like you. Ignore me, and I may not forgive you. Encourage me, and I will not forget you. Love me and I may  be forced to love you. "  Wlliam Arthur Ward

"Love is an emotion experienced by the many and enjoyed by the few."  George Jean Nathan

Do not worry so much, best things happen when you least expect them.

 Power without love is reckless and abusive, and love without power is sentimental and anemic.- Martin Luther King, Jr.

vineri, 22 februarie 2013

Arabic food

Mancarea are un rol foarte important in viata noastra, acest lucru il stim cu totii.Proverbul:"Suntem ceea ce mancam" devine din ce in ce mai mult adevarat.Privesc in jurul meu si observ ca obezitatea creste simtitor .
Cu totii vrem sa traim mult si sanatos; de aceea este important sa mancam sanatos.Acum o sa va vorbesc despre bucataria arabeasca.Bucataria arabeasca este destul de mult diferita de alte bucatarii.
Bucataria arabeasca este o bucatarie foarte  gustoasa si bogata, si multe din obiceiurile ei sunt cu adevarat unice.

De exemlu:
  • Kafta este o mancare traditionala care se prepara din carne de oaie cu patrunjel tocat marunt, se face la fel ca frigarui fript pe gratar.
  • Un alt preparat care nu lipseste niciodata de pe masa este  renumita pasta din boabe de naut amestecata cu pasta de susan si condimentata dupa gust cu kapia .Aceasta reteta se numeste humus.
  • O alta delicatesa este salata tabbuleh.Acesta salata se prepara din kuskus sau boabe de grau cu rosii taiate marunt, la care se adauga ceapa tocata marunt, menta si patrunjel la fel tocat marunt.Toate amestecate cu putin ulei de masline ,sare si un pic de ienibahar.
  • Un alt preparat care nu lipseste de pe masa din bucataria orientala este :orezul arabesc.Pune puiul la fiert cu legumele, si sarea in apa cat sa-l acopere, pina cand e fiert bine. Scoate carnea din supa si dezoseaz-o. Tai-o in fasii 
    Intr-o cratita topeste untul si pune orezul spalat si scurs. Caleste-l pana ce scade apa. Adauga zeama de supa astfel incat sa fie 3 degete deasupra orezului. Cand incepe sa fiarba, da focul mic si lasa pana ce bobul e aproape fiert.
    In acest timp pune uleiul intr-o tigaie si prajeste putin boabele ce cardamom. Scoate-le. Pune migdalele si mugurii de pin si prajeste-le pana devin aurii. Scoate-le din ulei. Adauga stafidele si ai grija ca se prajesc practic instantaneu! Scoate-le din ulei. Pune fideaua rupta mai mic si aureste-o in ulei.
    Pune carnea si tot ce ai prajit, cu tot cu uleiul, in orez, amesteca usor, verifica de sare si piper si da cratita la cuptor pentru 10- 15 minute.
    Mancarea araba poate intrece cu succes orice bucatarie europeana.Este intotdeauna unica si cu un gust de care iti vei aminti tot timpul.  Mancarea arabeasca se bazeaza pe preparate simple, naturale si usor digestibile, are o valoare nutritiva si e foarte sanatoasa. Bucataria araba isi are originile in gatitul in corturile triburilor de beduini , care foloseau doar ingrediente transportabile: orez, cereale si carne etc.
Dupa masa se serveste un cei negru cu scortisoara si se fumeaza o narghilea cu aroma de mere.